This spread can be started at any time of the year (not just in January at the beginning). With one card per month it goes into how the course of your incoming year will turn out. Will you run into some financial trouble in May? Will you find love in December? It's always so interesting to see what the cards pick up!
I did this spread on my sister last year and she has been following the ups and downs that we saw directly in the cards! She still talks about all the coincidences she has seen!
1) January
2) February
3) March
4) April
5) May
6) June
7) July
8) August
9) September
10) October
11) November
12) December
Let's map out your year!
* A picture of your personal spread
* An extensive written explanation of your spread
(via email within 5-7 business days of payment received)
Please send this information with your order:
1) Your name
2) Your contact email
3) The name + genders of other people involved (if applicable)
4) Any additional information
I've had 4+ years of professional top reading experience. I've been quoted in various publications such as New York Magazine, Marie Claire, Refinery29, and more. You can find more about me and other readings and classes I offer at:
** By law I must mention that this reading is for entertainment purposes only. I will not answer questions about death, health, or legal issues. I will, however, give you the most accurate description of what the cards tell me. And I feel obliged to mention that my readings always have hints of positivity, as I feel that life is full of opportunities even when it feels like all doors are closed.
Querent must be 18 years or older.
Product code: One Year Ahead Tarot Reading top