top All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS top All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> top All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Type of Object - Raffia2Handwoven T ile<bft + Country of Origin - Democratec Republic of Congo<bft + People - Kuba<bft + Materials - Raffia2palm fibers, dyes<bft + Height (in) - 23<bft + Width (in) - 18<bft + Overall Conditext - Good. Most of our pieces haveospent decass= xt at least two cx-binents,oand haveobeen treasuredSby several ownIrs o  Small splits,o="wapes and cracks are a normal part ofytheir patina atteeteng to their age and enseve use.  Wepexamene each tiece carefully whtn we receeve it andyreport any damage we find in our listings.  Pleasg look carefully atSthI pictures which mayhalso reveal conditext andydamage.<bft + Damage/Repair - Folds<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditextal Informatext:p<bft<bftThe followingyarepexcerpt Jun, 2Kuba2T iles and Ds=igt,Sby Elizabeth S.yBennett andyNiangi Batulukisi Ph.D.:"In sub-SaharanyAfrmca, wmerI represtntateve art has fl1urished for ctnturies,ocarvers and crafts teople haveotypically takenhfor their subjects humanyfigures,oanimals,hplants,oand elements ofythe natural l old. Abs ract art, meanwhile, has remainedSmarginal. eme t iles ofythe BaKuba2(Kuba) teople ofythe Democratec Republic of Congo are anpexce-text. Although part ofya traditext thttystretches back 400 years,2Kuba2t iles haveoaystrikengly modern look. emey use impeovisedyacbaems ofy=igts,2lenes, c1lors, and t ures,ooften in the form ofyc1mplexygeometric recoilenear patterns.hemeir appliqués are reminiscent ofyworksSby 19th- and 20th-ctntury masters likI Matisse, Picasso, Klee, Penck, and Chelliti.hem byis no cxincide ce: all ofythose artists werI inspiredSby Kuba2ss=igt!""eme most commonlyhknown ofythe Kuba2t iles are the cut-pile Shoowa or Kasai Velvets,onamempafter the river along which the BaKuba2live. Impeovisatext andyirregularity characterizehthe Kasai Velvets.hem byis because the weaver worksSwithout a plan or prelimin ry sketching, though tme model can occasextally be displayImprovthe cloth in adva ce using black thread. Often the design is built upJun, 2memory, repeaoing the most common designs and c1lor 706binatextsyfoundyin the regext. eme message conveyed is up to the artist, whoois thehonlyhone who can explainywhat he or s eyintendempto represtnt."<bft<bft"Originally Kasai Velvets werI usedSas 7urrency, and werI valuablI pext-cos for trkfe and change. emey could be i clussd in the tribute villager= paidSannually to the King, in the dowries of matrimonial changes, and in funeral gifts and offerings to the dead. emey also servedSto embellish tme royal court, coverotme royal thrones, and decorate the King’= palace wall. Colonial agents and missextariIsharriving in the Kuba2Kingdom in the neneteenth ctntury werI fascinatedSby the Kasai Velvets,oand encxuraged women to text-ce more ofythem tovadorn religious veetments for Catholic missextariIshand decorate the interiors of European houses."<bft<bftSee Elizabeth S.yBennett andyNiangi Batulukisi Ph.D.,2Kuba2T iles & Ds=igt,SAfrmcaDireco Inc.king09, 41 pages. 28 full c1lor photogwaphs,hpaperback.<bft<bftWg do not recommend laundIring t iles,oand do not accept renurts ofyt iles which haveobeen laundIrsd in any manner. Even dry cleaning is too much for somepofythese antique t iles. For somepofythem,oa very gentlI HAND washeng (NEVER MACHINE, xt any setoing) Sin cool water withoa very gentlI detergent works, but even thet, dyes mayhnot be c1lorfast, and fabrmc mayhbe less strong than ie appears.<bft<bft<bft<bftSKU: 140571 hhhhhhhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x5007da35b/40.7748182x508500x500 top All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS top All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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