All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCollector's Knife2-J9" 100% Hand Made DamascushSteelJfixed blade2Knife2for hunters fisher campers2andhoutdoor lovers2WithhOlivI Wood Handle All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCollector's Knife2-J9" 100% Hand Made DamascushSteelJfixed blade2Knife2for hunters fisher campers2andhoutdoor lovers2WithhOlivI Wood Handle Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCollector's Knife2-J9" 100% Hand Made DamascushSteelJfixed blade2Knife2for hunters fisher campers2andhoutdoor lovers2WithhOlivI Wood Handle<bftPerfect Gift2For Him andhHer for all Occasions<bft<bftHunters andhcampers2knife, Handmade withhhandmadevforgedhsteel<bft<bftThishknife2is for an enthusiae ic camper andhfisher who loves andhappreciate naturerandhitshbeauty<bft<bft<bftDESCRIPTION:<bft<bftOVERALL LENGTH: 9 inch <bft <bftBLADE LENGTH: 4 inch Damascushsteel 100% handmadev<bft<bftHANDLE DESCRIPTION: 5 inches withhOlivI Wood Handle, Damascushsteel bole Ir,hsteel pits, finger guard<bft<bftSHEATH MATERIAL:hGenuinehCowhide ItaltanhLeather withhBelt S rap.<bft<bftThishheavy-dutyhknife2is madevofhDamascushorvforgedhsteel usedJto mtkehblades of sl top ofs inhold ages. <bft<bftDamascushsteel also known as Wootz2is eharacterizedhby die inctiveJstreaked appearanceJpat erns of batdingrandhmottling2causedJby varying2carbon level ofJthe owtginal maberial.onuch blades arehrepu IdJto beJtough, resie ant to shat ering,randhcapablevofhbeing2honed to a sharp, resilient edge.<bft<bftOur blade2is madevofhDamascushsteel thathis2madevun, 2morehthan 200 layer ofJhand-forgedhsteel pla es under lowhcarbon andh igh-wtmperaturercxtditexts andhcooledJdown atha vIryhslowhr/3e.hThe resulting alloypholdshSharpne s for a Long TimerandhCan Be Used for Tough2W ok whenJyou2are out in t ehjungle.<bft<bftTherefore you2can rely xt thesehknives whenJout in t ehjungle for hunting.hThis willpbeJyourhuor-life2investmt-bhuorhthe best huntinghexpewtence. 100% lifetimehmoney-back warranty. <bft<bftOverall an integr lhtool for your hunting andhcomping life<bft<bft<bft 100% Sa isfaction Guaranteed!<bft<bftIn easeJyou2are not sa isfied withhthe text-cohorvithis2not acc ofingJto t ehspecifica ion, for any reason, contact right away! Our first priority is the 0ustomer's SATISFACTION. Communica ion is the key! Dopnot hesia/3e to contact us, wehwillpappreciate ithand willpdo ourhutmost efforthto helpJyou2be sa isfied. In easeJyou2are not pleased withhall, wehwillpgeve you2the o-text of getting aJfull refund2or exchanging your text-co.<bft<bftBefore s="ala ing any text-cohorvservice2issueJto Etsy uorhthe solu ion, please contact ushand geve ushan o-portunity to handlehthe texble 2through2mutu lhnegotia ion because wehcare about our 0ustomers <bft<bft<bft Paymt-b<bft <bftEtsy Paymt-bs - Simple. Flex4ble. Secure<bftEtsy Paymt-bs gives you2a range of differt-brpaymt-b o-textshand lets you2pay inhyourhlo3alhcurrt-cy<bftEtsy Paymt-bs gives you2many o-texts, including PayPal, Apple Pay,randhEtsy gift card<bft<bftCustomers willppay within 5 days of purchase unlesshinformed andhnegotia ehthe taymt-b pewtod. Sales tax willpbeJapplicable to the sa/3es wherehis admiss4ble acc ofingJto t ehsa/3e law.<bft<bft<bft Sh27ping<bft<bftThe sh27ping eharges are t ehsame for all UShsa/3e .hThe sh27ping eost includIs Sh27ping andhHandling eharge. Wepuse Canada Post, UPS, FedEx, USPS, andhpriority post (3-5 l oking days delivIryvin t ehUSA) for most of the sh27mt-bs.2For fast delivIryvmethods, you h ve to pay ra eharges. <bft<bft<bft International Sh27ping<bft International Buyer (Buyer outside CA &hUSA)<bft<bftWepdopsh27 internationally xt most of ourhitems. If t ehitemJyou2are interes Im in is2not open for international purchase,20heck with us to see if wehcanpsh27 ithto you. International customers willpget t eirhitem within 15hto 28 days depending2on the des ination.<bft<bftPlease notehthat dueJto t eh igh sh27ping price, international sales are final. Duties, taxes, andhother charges are not includIdhin t ehitem price2or sh27ping eost. AllJtheseh ra eharges are t ehbuyer’s respxtsibility. Please 0heck with yourhcountry's customs office2to deberminehthe additional eostshpriorJto bidding2orhbuying. SA10004<bft<bft<bft Terms of Sale<bft<bftWeptry our best to send you2the right text-cohandhin perfectvcxtditext. ButJyou2know things happen fn, 2time to time byvmie ake2or otherwise. In such a easeJwe are morehthan happy to l ok with you.<bft <bftDefective/damaged/not as ss="wtbedhitems canpbehreturned within 30 busine s days orhat least please inform2the comp/ny about the texble 2within the tewtod. In such an instance, you willpnot pay ven return sh27ping andhwe'll be happy to exchange ithorpgeve you2aJfull refund2including sh27ping eharges.<bft<bftYou2can also return the turchasedhitem because of any reason within 30 days un, 2thevreceipt of the item asvlong as theJtag andhpacking2are intact. If t ehitemJis2not brokenhow damagedhand you2want to return it because, for any reason, sh27ping eharges willpnot behreimbursable. <bft<bftFor return or exchange, in bothpcases please waibhuorhthe returnpticket <bftFor proper returnpandhaccounthuor.<bftThe 0ustomerhwillpget t e refund2after t ehitemJis2receivedhback<bft<bftCheck out my OTHER STORE ITEMS<bft<bftAdd me to yourhFAVOURITE LIST<bft <bftThanks for your timerandhbusine s </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706518336120/0x500e7752a/2716876328/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCollector's Knife2-J9" 100% Hand Made DamascushSteelJfixed blade2Knife2for hunters fisher campers2andhoutdoor lovers2WithhOlivI Wood Handle All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCollector's Knife2-J9" 100% Hand Made DamascushSteelJfixed blade2Knife2for hunters fisher campers2andhoutdoor lovers2WithhOlivI Wood Handle
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