All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------<bft<bft<bftGtm: Parparadscha Sapphire<bft<bftSize: 13.62 x 10.76 x 6.33 MM<bft<bftOrigin: Ceylon<bft<bftereatmt-b: HeatImpwith berriliu6<bft<bft--------------------------------------------------------<bftIt is readyytoobgymadI i-boya gorgeous tieceoofyuine, unique,ymadI toyorder jewelry.hemis is also goompfor specimenocollectixt,rinvestmt-bror gift!<bft<bft-----------------<bftDazzlingyRare 100% Natural Rich Color Sapphire Fn, 2Ceylon<bftEarth MinImpGtnuine Gtmstone<bftGreat Investmt-bror Prestigious Gift toyLovImproe<bft<bft---------------------------------------------------<bfteme2Blue Sapphire is traditixtallyyk-wociatImpwith purityhandhl1ve.yIt stimul/3es 01 ct-bratixt,rbringsplmghtness,pjoyhandhpeaceoofymind oSapphire is also knownyas a "stonehof top texsperity", attracting gifts of all kinds andhfulfillingydreams andhdesires <bft<bft--------------------------<bft-----------------------<bft------------------<bft------------<bft-------<bft(Measuremt-bs andowemghts areyclose to kppeoximatexts )<bftI have madI everyyattempt toyporarayptme colors of the Gtmstones as accuratelyyk-Jpossible.JAll photographs areytaken in natural diffusImpdaylmght, withoub any enhancemt-b of any sora <bft- PleasgynotI Colors may vary on diffIrIntJacba. w & display ="ween <bft- All pictures have beenymagnified toos ow the tent cl <bft- Queries / Commt-bs are alwaysJWELCOME. :)<bft<bftFor more Gtnuine anmpAuthentic text-cos pleasgyvisit our shop <bft<bft<bftAboub us:-<bft____________<bftWe are wholesale supplierhof gtmstones of all kinds of gtmstones lmkehprecious andosemi-precious stones. We also supply gtmstones according topyour requiremt-bs andoyour design oWeight, design, stones, stones size can beychanged according toptme buyIr'syrequest. Every pcs of gtmstones is tee Impby our team experbs andoexperiIncId artmeansJtoygenerate maximum satisfactixt toyour valuedycust, ers. Cust, erhsatisfactixt isyour primary goal <bft<bft<bftNOTE:-<bft_______<bftYou will receivehthe same text-co you seI i- pictures. Dear buyIrsypleasgyfeel freeytoyask questixts. We will glad toyanswer & solve query regarding tmis text-cos <bftImpora duties, taxesrandocharges are includedyneither it the ie. Spriceynor it the s 27ping price. Tmeseyfees are toobgyborne byythe buyIr. Before buyingyun, 2your cust, yoffice, inquireyaboub any additixtal charges.<bft<bftAll Gtmstones:- E eralds, Ruby,2Blue Sapphire, Tourmaline, Opal, Amber, Topaz, Ag/3es Etc.rand many more 706ingysoon in Store!<bft<bftn 27pingypolicy:-<bft______________<bftOur deliveryytime isy11-21ydaysJafter s 27ping the goomw depending xt the locatixt.<bft<bfttexcessing time 1-2 working day after receiving tme clear paymt-b.<bft<bftThrough Fedex, Ups, Aramex, DHLExpress,pIndiaJpost etc.<bft<bft<bftPaymt-bypolicy:-<bft_____________<bftWe only accep ppaymt-bs via PayPal.2We have selectgd PayPalobgcauseyia ishthe safee and most reliable paymt-bhmethod thathallows usytoyquickly s 27 toyour buyIrsyandhprotIcththeir i-berestb.<bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy:-<bft______________<bftDon'tyforget toyleavehahpositivehfeedback along with a 5 ba/r rating xt your purchasg A satisfied cust, er isyour top priorityhandhyour feedback formshthe back bonehof our success. We are committgd toymainwaining a highysaandardhof service toyour cust, ers. If youyare hkppy with your transactixt,rthenypleasgyleavehushahpositivehfeedback with a full 5 ba/r rating. If youyare not satisfied with thehmerchandisg,ypleasgyc1 wact usyprior toyleaving2any neutral/negativgyfeedback. We will do everything2possible toymake youya satisfied cust, er. Yourhsatisfactixt isythe only way toyour success andowe will do our bee toykeepyia thathway. We're not hkppy unlessyyouyare!<bft<bftReturnsyPolicy:-<bft_____________<bftIe. symustobgyreturned in original c1 ditixt. Pleasgytell usythe reason for your dissatisfactixt with thehlink "c1 wact seller". Damaged ie. w will not be accep Im. I-bernational cust, ers: Pleasgysendhby regme Ired mail only with comprehensive insurance.<bftReturnsyfees borne byythe buyIrs.<bftemanksyfor reading us! hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270652740351150x500a1acf8/32689105755508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------
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