Ring With Text, Verba Mundus Hidden Message Ring, Valentines Gifts top for Him Boyfriend, Personalised ring, Thumb Ring, 925 Sterling Silver
Sterling silver ring. Width: 8 mm
Choose one of our possible inscriptions listed below in Latin or send us your own!
QUOTE IN LATIN on the ring / translation in English on the plastic pad:
HOC ERGO COGITA, HUNC ESSE SAPIENTIAE EFFECTUM, GAUDII AEQUALITATEM / you may look for a still greater joy when you have laid aside the mind of boyhood and when wisdom has enrolled you among men
CORRIGE PRAETERTUM, PRAESENS REGE, CERNE FUTURUM / correct the past, direct the present, detect the future
PICTORIBUS ATQUE POETIS QUIDLIBET AUDENDI SEMPER top FUIT AEQUA POTESTAS / painters and poets have always had license to dare anything
ALTISSIMA QUAEQUE FLUMINA MINIMO SONO LABUNTUR / the deepest rivers have the gentlest flow
AMICITIA VERA EST PRAECLARA, ET OMNIA PRAECLARA RARA / true friendship is splendid and all splendid (things) are rare
CANTICA GIGNIT AMOR, ET AMOREM CANTICA GIGNUNT / love beget songs and songs beget love
ASPICIENDA VIA EST CAELI VERUSQUE PER AS / the moon lights his path ; the stars show forth the rough places
Please advise the necessary inscription at the personalisation!
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