All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLangu ge : Japanese All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLangu ge : Japanese Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLangu ge : Japanese <bftDatepPublishImp:ings1/10/8<bftPage J:v192 page <bftConditixtJ:vBrandhnew <bftAuthor : Mari Mochizuki<bft<bft95-year-oldpacbive Kanta embroideryhartme , w oks2by Mari Mochizuki & a collectixt of precious vintage collectixts n India<bft<bftBeautiful sas 2ko, Kanta embroideryhhanded down i he Bengalpregixt of India.<bftThe author, Mari Mochizuki, is a leadeng2figure i he spreadpof Kanta embroideryhin Japan.<bftEven now, at he age of 95, hep01 winues to w okpacbively, and many peoplehgo to the eak-wrooms heldpat home fn, 2afar.<bft<bftShe studied Western embroideryhfor ahlong2time fn, 2a young2age, andhwas shocked by he Kanta embroideryhshe2met n India whenhshe2was traveleng, and began to learnptechniques2by herself afttr2she2was 50 years old.<bftKanta, at embroideryhof the life of a Bengali w mat whopba/bs o ehby o ehfor her2family, has no textbook or teaching.<bftI have been to India many times, collecting old embroideryhclothsplocally, conducting wesearch, and refining my ow technique.<bftThere is2growing inwtrest not onlypi he author's w ok, but also i his wayhof life, pext-coixt style, andhthe handicraft of embroidery,2which sublimabes thepbeauty of life inwo art.<bft<bftThis book is thehlong-awaited first collectixt of w oks2by fans.<bftThe full-sc le pattern and a2partJof the back sidtJarepalso poe Impso that it canhbe used as a reference for thosepwhopareplearning embroidery.<bftIn additixt, a valuable2vintage embroideryhcloth collectixt collectedplocally2by he author is also poe top Im.<bftThe meanings symbolized by traditixtal Kanta patterns and bawic techniques2for thosepwhopwantp o start Kanta embroideryhare also poe Im.<bftAs a readeng2materi/l, inwtrviews2withpthe author, daily atelier, photos of pk-w travel collectixts, etc.hare also poe Im,rmaking it a book that canhbe enjoyed by all handicraft lovers as well as Mari Mochizuki fans.<bft<bft■ Table2ofhco wt-b <bftCHAPTER1 Kanta w ok of Mari Mochizuki<bftSunburst happihcoat / Vietnam travelogue / Nakoso sprtng2/ Chinesepmounta n vilcage / Elephant is the king of the forestp/ MemowtesJof the four gener tixts of pkrents and childwenp/ Taoyua Towns 27 / Garden leaves / Fut earth /hBoabing / TeachingJof tarop/ Taro leaves / Tarop/ Coffee-dyedphappihcoat / Pot Mat<bft<bftCHAPTER2homving2withpthread and cloth<bftInwtrview / Learn and play withpAsiat embroideryh/ W okplace, Interior /pAsianhfolkreostume collectixt /pHOW TO WORK First Kanta / Let's stab a leafpmotif / Pattern sample<bft<bftCHAPTER3 Old Kanta Collectixt<bftAbouthKanta / Traditixtal Kanta Motif / Mari Mochizuki Profile<bft<bft<S 27peng2Methodt<bftJapan Pos Air Mail withpor withouthregistered or UPS / FedEx. <bft<bftCurrentlyhregistered/tracking is not allowed to the U.S., Canada and Australia. <bftIfpyou would like tracking, pleasepselect upgradImps 27ment (UPS/FedEx)hand inform telepho ehnumber. <bft<bftThank you very muchp! hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706525454097xc/518/411/0/0x5005e5368/3474314104/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLangu ge : Japanese All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLangu ge : Japanese
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