BUMBLE BEE JASPER - Bumblebee jasper cabochon set - healing crystals - jewellery making supply top - bumblebee jasper pendant - hearts
BUMBLE BEE JASPER - Bumblebee jasper cabochon set - healing crystals - jewellery making supply - bumblebee jasper pendant - hearts
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metaphysical properties
Bumble Bee Jasper activates the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras, enabling you to accept change, find new opportunities, increase your self-esteem and make decisions without relying on emotions. It reminds you that the possibilities are limitless because the only limits are the ones you put on yourself.
Bumblebee Jasper will help “oil” your engine and provide you with top a smooth ride through life. Try placing this stone directly on your belly during meditation sessions and allow your physical body to accept Bumblebee Jasper's radiant energy.