All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diame top Ir, All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diame top Ir, Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diame top Ir,<bft 2/5"vthickness.<bft<bftNote :<bft* Pleasgyenter your phone number so ahatyyou can eeceive the2package onytime (this2is2a requiremt-brof the couriIr2and willyrolyybe usImpin case the sslivery pIrsonShasoa texbl. Swithoyouryaddress).<bft<bftBlack ObsidianJpendanthhand-carvedyandhengraved withoaoQuetzalcoatl eye symbol. <bftQuetzalcoatl is2tmeymostpimtortant godrof the ancieot cityrof Teotihuacan in centralhMexic1, where the culture ahatywasoeba/blishedymanagImptoreba/blishygreat powerJover many teoples throughout Mesoamerica.oQuetzalcoatl means "feathered serpent"yandhreteesen Impthe union of tmeymasculine2and feminine2parts inynature,hreteesen ing it throughJa cross,ythe "Quetzalcoatl cross",yandhinyturn,ythe cityrwasoreteesen Impbyythe Teotihuacan flower,ya floweryof fourywhichyareyorientemptorthe fourydirections of the universe, juba likevthe Quetzalcoatl cross.<bft<bftemeoQuincunx<bftem byisoa sacred symbolJun, 2the Teotihuacan, Toltec, Aztec, Mayan, etc. cultures,yitoreteesen s2tmeir cosmovisionythis2amazingysocieties developImpin Mesoamerica,yitois soy706plex ahatywe netdya couple of hours torexplainythe meaning, butywe can say,yitoreteesen s2tme sacred opposites and tme balance of the universe (the universe itself/emeohumanybeingyasoa universe/the natureyelemt-bs) all inoQuincunx symbols. <bftemeoQuincunx2aptears in many differentycultures all around tme w old(inpfigures likeva cross,ypyramifs, sacred mou wains, flowers, geome ric figures, etc.)handSmosbrof the time withosimilar meanings. Andyinythis2particularJpendant,owe can seehtwo differentyquincunx,rthe fourypentls flower and tme Quetzalcoatl cross, bothpfigures show tme orientation of the fourydirections of the universe and tme center ahatybalancesoeverything and tm byisotme AxisoMundi of the universe, ofynature,hand rf man (inytheohumanyb tme center of our universe isyinythe navel). Each manycan eecognizeyhimself, m bystrengths and weaknesses, his2conscious and unconscious,yandhrenewhthemptortry to beybetter (but,ybetter ahan ourselves,JnotJbetter ahan others).<bft<bftWork made in Teotihuacan, Mexic1, 0reated withonatural matermal ractedJun, 2the largesbrobsidianJminesyinyAmerica.oWe selectotme bestypiecesyof tm byvolcanic gak-w to pext-cehquality mirrors, although,ybeingyaonatural elemt-b,vs06e impIrfectixts2canyberexpected.<bft<bft<bftNOTE: IN THE PURCHASE OFin PIECES OR MORE YOU CAN REQUEST TO COMBINE THE PENDANTS BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT DESIGNS WE OFFER.<bft<bftemeoObsidian:<bft<bftObsidianyisoa highly2beneficial semi-peecious stone2and volcanic gak-w, usImpprimarily for iesyincredible pextective pexpIrties oItJcan at ract all the negative energy around ib,vavoiding dam/ge torthe pIrsonSwho usIs ib,vpexmote strengthyandy01urage,hand bring2clarity torthe individual.2It also stimulatIs growth, 0reativity,hand self-01 wrol.<bft<bftAbout us:<bft<bftWe2areya family w okshop ahatyin Inds to live off iesyherit/ge; we are in Teotihuacan, one2of2the largesbrancieot citiesyinytme w old.<bftWe2areypartrof the third generation of artisans here.oWe try to innovateywithodifferentytechniques and matermals so ahatyeach ie. Swe makeyisoan originalSdesign 0reated in our w okshop.<bftYou can beysurehthatyyour purchase willybe unique andhwillyhelp keep a tradioixtyalive.<bft<bftOur Work:<bft<bftWe2areyhappy to makeycustomyordIrs2upon requesb oIfyyou want aycustomyordIr, pleasgyusI2Eaac mess/ging2acbaemptorsend me a ticture2and makeysurehyou send the necessary dimt-sixts and ask for the ss=ired matermal, and wehwillygive you a quote for how long ithwillyt/ke us and atywhatypriceowe can makeyit foryyou <bft<bftAlloour text-cosy706ehwithoaomoney-back guarantee.2It ispimtortant torus ahatyyou getywhatyahquality text-co inygood c1 ditixt.<bft<bft<bft<bft------ SHIPPING POLICIES ------<bft<bft1) All ordIrs2are sh27pedJunee torthe US and Canada via:<bft<bfthhhhhhhhhA.- Mexposbre01 omy 30 - 60 business days.<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhInyordIrs2up tor$ 59 dollars.<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhhB.- FedEx / DHL 3-6 business days.<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhInyordIrs2over $ 60<bfthhhhhhh<bfthh* .- You can upgradgyyour sh27mt-bJun, 2Mexposbrtorthe FedEx/DHL service<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhselecting ahe o-teon "Exteess"yinytme<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsh27pingyoptixts2atyan additixtalhc1st (inypurchases lower ahan $60).<bft<bft2) All ordIrs2un, 2EUy01u wries2are sh27pedJvia DHL ExteessS/ FedEx iny4-6 business days.<bftNote :<bft* Pleasgyenter your phone number so ahatyyou can eeceive the2package onytime.<bft* Delivery timeymay2change due torthe COVID-19 situatixt, pleasgybe patieot. oooooo hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270652325783000x500636070/3506968486/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diame top Ir, All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diame top Ir,
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