MINI Benchmade Bugout - Snake Skin - Reptile Pattern - Deep top Laser Engraved Titanium Scales - EDC Gear *Scales Only*
See our full selection of FLYTANIUM GEAR on our website: BENCHMADE BUGOUT TITANIUM SCALES
DEEP ENGRAVED snake skin reptile pattern using our 100w MOPA fiber laser, these are not Cermark coated and put under a Co2. These engravings will not rub off, but still feels good to the touch. Adds just enough texture to feel good in the hand.
Flytanium Brand Scale Blanks
Installed weight is approx 2.32 oz
*Fits Benchmade Mini Bugout. Titanium construction.
*Uses hardware from stock knife. Disassemble at your own risk. Also keep in mind that almost every knife manufacturer provides a list of specific actions that could void the manufacturer's warranty.
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