Looking for a bag that you can turn into a statement piece. This is the handbag for you.
You top can add your name, photos, or colors to reflect your style and personality. Everything customized to your liking. You can simply provide a theme and I can work magic for your design or you can be more involved in the process and provide the art work and or pictures you would like on the bag (please note images need to be at least 300 dpi for best quality), it is all up to you with this option.
A mock up will be provided for your approval before production.
* 16.22 Oz. Made from high-grade waterproof canvas, durable, water-resistant.
* Two interior pockets for small items one zipper pocket.
* Top handle
* Adjustable and removable fabric shoulder strap
* Dimensions: 10.8”(L) x 4.13”(W) x 7.87”(H)
Please note that each bag is custom made to order, current production time is approx. 7-10 business days (this does not include shipping time). Due to the pandemic and workers being on leave due to quarantine restrictions, many mail sorting centers are behind on sorting and shipping their orders. Please keep this in mind and plan according to the estimated dates provided by Etsy.
**Due to variations in screens and printing, colors may differ slightly from those on screen**
Be sure to read the full description so you can be aware of the shipping and delivery timeframe.
Delays can occur in transit that is beyond our control so please be sure to order far enough in advance :)
I can not offer expedited shipping on custom items at this time so please keep that in mind when making your buying decision.
Product code: Personalized Waterproof top Canvas Handbag