Choose One Black/White top or Black/Creamy Beige Stack of Books, Shakespeare and Bestsellers: Books for Decorating or Bookshelf Decor
Two sets of nine books top in always-right shades of black with white or black with a light neutral. Choose which one you'd like to purchase:
Set 1
'Works of William Shakespeare' is the strong center book in this instant library. It's a vintage book, still in good readable condition with its powerful look and content! The set is packed with bestsellers and vintage reads in sophisticated shades of black and a clean shade of pale taupe (or beige). Several taller books have strong vertical lines, helping to bring a coherent linear look to this sophisticated set. Several of the vintage books have some patina; the 'Whodunit' has fading in places, like a best black suit, with worn spots here and there. This is a wide set, too; it's fully 12 inches and takes up a lot of space!
The set includes one book for younger readers: 'Tombquest', with an illustration on the front, not shown. A bookshelf works best if you can get many ages to get excited over what they can read! All books are in good condition. For this set, choose 'BLACK'.
List of Books:
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Vol 2
The American Saga, Graham
The Victors, Ambrose
Historical Whodunits
Tombquest, Northrop
In the Arms fo Africa, Grinker
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Maxwell
The Wheel of Fortune, Howatch
Beatlebone, Barry
Set 2
Nine books in black, white and taupe with touches of slight, shimmery color to help support the clean, light look. There's plenty of adventure and the kind of reading that's a guilty pleasure. Books' covers are often in a color (as pictured from the top). The center book, 'The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Vol 1'. It gives the set a a subtle feel with it's black title box, worn to a soft black with a soft, textured patina.
Heights range from 9.5" to 7.25". Some are vintage and others more recent; also some may have a previous owner's neatly written signature, a dedication or a small tick on the bottom. For this set, choose 'WHITE'.
List of Books:
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Vol 1
The Mozart Effect, Campbell
Lit Up, Denby
Little Panic, Stern
Night Prey, Sandford
Business Dad, Hirschfield
Blade of Empire, Lackey & Mallory
Two's Com[pany, Somers