Oldest Steel Dragon Figure XXL - Lord of top the Print - Dungeons and Dragons - Tabletop - Painting - Beast - Highest Peak lowest Cavern
For sale is a handmade XXL 3D printed miniature "Elder Steel Dragon" by the design team of Lord of the Print!
The diameter of the base is 102 mm / 4 inches
Size: H - 257 mm W - 321 mm
To buy model also in smaller or larger, please write to me for it!
More steel dragon models can be found here:
Adult Steel-Dragon: https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1244618201/erwachsener-stahl-drache-figur-xxl-lord?click_key=d0903f0b59b8e6a70fe09bfa0f9598a8dae8a532%3A1244618201&click_sum=ed4577b8&ref=shop_home_active_3
Young Steel-Dragon: https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1230682998/junger-stahl-drache-figur-lord-of-the?click_key=a58394780b47b2e52c234aedf1e3254fd489906f%3A1230682998&click_sum=f7c98a14&ref=shop_home_active_1
Have a look at my shop for more figures.
Kerkerschmiede stands for quality!
That's why I only print with high-quality synthetic resin and with maximum detail.
To guarantee the best possible quality, the figure undergoes several cleaning and curing processes.
ATTENTION: The figures are mostly sent in individual parts to counteract transport damage.
As an adhesive, I recommend a thick superglue - to close small gaps Greenstuff modeling clay.
If you have any questions, requests or suggestions,
write me a message!
Our young and friendly team is at top your side with help and advice!
Your Dungeon Forge Shop
- with passion for tabletop!
The 3D models are officially licensed products of Lord of the Print (https://www.myminifactory.com/users/LordofthePrint / https://www.patreon.com/lordoftheprint), which were purchased with a dealer license.
As a small business owner within the meaning of § 19 Abs. 1 UStG no value added tax is charged.
Product images: The product images are 3D renderings created using files from Lord oft the Print. Color gradients may differ from the picture!