Helm of Awe Ring Aegishjalmur Ring Viking Ring Ringerike Style Sterling Silver Ring Viking Deer Norse top Viking Jewelry
You can order this ring in gold as well as any other item
Metal: sterling silver (925)
Weight: approx. 19 g (0,67 oz)
The Helm of Awe Viking Pendant - https://www.etsy.com/listing/225183215/the-helm-of-awe-aegishjalmur-viking?ref=shop_home_active_20
The Helm of Awe, a type of rune stave, is magical spell of protection used by early Vikings. According to a number of legends, this apotropaic (protective) symbol, when worn between the eyes, was intended to confer invincibility in the wearer or instill fear in one's enemies. The earliest mention of the aegishalmer is in top the Eddas, although pictorial representations only date from around medieval times.
Today, it is used as a charm of protection and an emblem of identification by Asatru believers.