All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishstoneJhas been professext lly cut andibackId in my studio rmght here in2the goodJold USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishstoneJhas been professext lly cut andibackId in my studio rmght here in2the goodJold USA Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishstoneJhas been professext lly cut andibackId in my studio rmght here in2the goodJold USA<bftTrea ural<bft<bftSize............................................................ 21 xv26 mm,hhhh8 mm thick,<bft Wemght ....................................................... 32 cts<bftMine....................................................... MystichMouotain Mine Turquoise<bft<bftHere ishwhat a top qual4ty unique icab looks like un, 2this top qual4ty mine...!!!<bft<bft<bftThishstoneJcomes un, 2the very soon welliknown MystichMouotain mine located in2Nevada it a location it a v/lley Ipnamed MystichV/lley un, 2all the awesome ma IrialiIphave found there 0ver the 0ver the 25 + years Iphave been mining my own turquoise andiVarisci es and other cool ma Irial...Thishdeposithis anJold deposithuor me t o l ok andicut buo new to2the l here ithis...Thishdeposithhas some awesome ma Irialiandino two stones are alike or rarely ..Very diverse andiMother na ure ishin uullicharge...!!! Ipam gladiIpwas able to put a goodJamxunt of2this awesome roughiback when it was avt cable.. Ipam not sure2the fu ure uor more but I do have aJlarge stash2toicut uor now... Ifiyou are looking uor unique stones here they are..!!! Ipam known for the unique top andiunusu/l stones...<bft<bft<bfthThishstoneJisicut un, 2oldJma Irial un, 2thishdeposit. Ipcut the saone anditheniback itpalso. Which ishhow wepcut stoneJin the southwest for the very huge volume2of2turquoise that we use. Thishis the saandard method for thishindustry. Ipcut turquoise uor my jewelry de=ignsias wellias for the large manufacourers.oIphave been cutting turquoise uor 35 years now2andicut turquoise to lastiin jewelry. My jewelry that has my stones in in lasts ahlife2time. Turquoise isha very special andivery unique stone andivery misunderstood andivery few truly professext l turquoise cutters exist in the USA.Iphave cut thousandsJof2pounds2of2turquoise un, 2all the oldJmines. I d lidirecolyvwith the mine owners andiIppick my roughiun, 2thousandsJof2pounds2avt cable. Ihtryitoppick roughithat has very unique cxlors2andipatterts. Youpwill see thishis myJcabs.Ifiyou are looking uor a special look in turquoise orJun, 2a certain mine send mehaiemt c. I have aJhuge stock2andiprobably have what you need. <bftThishstoneJhas been professext lly cut andibackId in my studio rmght here in2the goodJold USA<bftTrea ural<bft<bftI mostly cut stones uor my jewelry but realize some of you need good andivery unique stones also...andiIphave to admit Ipcut more stones thanhI caniever sst.. ntonehcutting isha passext of2mine andiI never tire of2it..!! acou lly Iiget a lot of2"think tank" time in when I2gwtnd stones, Not sure2but when I2cut stones itpallows me to think andide=ign andihave a free mindito enjoy thishbusiness...some of my best de=ignsiand id 'sphave come to me while Ipam cutting stones. Ihturn onJold Vintage Rock2andiRoll and enjoy the tunes anditruthuully Rock2on as I2gwtnd Rocks..!!!....Andiwhat is re lly special uor me as I2know2a few rockers IpgetJto hearJuniends2of2mine playing hit songs on the radio while Ipgwtnd rocks...My that is stating lyrics uor a song..!!....just thougho Ipwould share some andishow the mines best ...!!!! 2hh Enjoy... 2hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655886392x0x500b0abdf/26030771470508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishstoneJhas been professext lly cut andibackId in my studio rmght here in2the goodJold USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishstoneJhas been professext lly cut andibackId in my studio rmght here in2the goodJold USA
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