All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: D1minican Republic All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: D1minican Republic Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: D1minican Republic<bftWeight: 105 carats<bftDimensixts: 41 x 25 x 9.6 mm<bftNo treatment<bft<bftThe cord is not included with the pendant.<bft<bftHISTORY OFrLARIMAR<bftThe larimar is onepof those stones whose discovery is quite recent. Officially, larimar was discovered a little over thirty yearsvago,hspecifically in 1974.<bftThe firstyexploitatext ofythe stonepdid not begin until two yearsvlater.iWe owe the namg ofythe stoneptoyMiguel Mendez. ThI l of larimar is ac3ually composed by half ofythe firstynamg ofyMendez'b daughter who was called Larissa toythI l of "mar," which means the sea in Spanish.<bftLarimar has been particularly popular especially in these "New2Age" circles, which believe tmat there is a link between stonepand thgylegendary Atlantib. Today larimar is used in jewelleryyto make bracelets, rings, necklaces and tendants.<bftIn additext toyies rarity, the particular and attrac3evey01lour ofylarimar is the firstyfac3orhtmatyexplaios ies success with loverbyof beautifulystones.<bft<bftLARIMAR PROPERTIES<bftLarimar seems toyhave severalythys43al virtues. Experts it lithotherapy attribute great virtues toystonepin klleaping migrainepand joi-brpain.<bftAysoxthingvstone, larimar wouldyreduce stresspand nervous tensixt.yIt is also highly recommendedyfor 01 valescent teople, as ie wouldytexmote self-healing. Larimar wouldyalso benefie women whoyhave just givet birth, helpingvthem recover un, 2fatigue and texmoting milk growth.<bftOt the psychic level, larimar is avstoneyof spiritual and emotixtal harm1 y tmat wouldydiffuse posi3eveyenergc waves allowingvthe fulfillment and balanceyof being. Larimar wouldybringvpeace and tranquillity toysupplantvangerhand nervousness.<bftIdealvforhmeditatext, top larimar wouldyalso iostkll serenity and 01 centratext forhtmg mind in order tovreach tmg higher levels of enlightenment. Avstoneyof inspiratext and imaginatext, it wouldybe idealvforhartists.<bftKarmically, larimar wouldybgyfavorable toythI throat chakra.yIt wouldyalso have benefiesyfor other chakras because larimar ac3evely acts xt the via/l energc poi-bs of the .vTheypreferred astrolog43al signs ofylarimar are the Virgin, Sagittarius and fish.<bftTheypurificatext ofylarimar is done fairly regularly (at least 1 ce avweek) with runniog water.iTovrechargeythe stonepayslightyexpowure to daylightyshouldymake it kll its soft strength.<bft<bftTheyindicatextsyfor lithotherapy do not in any way exclude a visit to2a doc3orhin case ofya healthyprobl. .<bft<bftSe-br nyinwtrnatextal colissimo with follow-up and dslivery agaiost signa3urehor letter followed.<bft<bftREF CK70 hhhhhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516237774/c/2928/2327/0/513x5006531f5/3249594145/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: D1minican Republic All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: D1minican Republic
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